Tips for Condo Renovations | Flooring Store Edmonton — Touchtone Flooring

Tips for Condo Renovations

Condo Renovation Edmonton

Renovating a detached home and a condo unit can produce an end result that looks quite similar. However, the process of getting there will be quite different. Renovating a single unit within a condominium requires both strategy and an understanding of your limitations. While a home could be ripped down entirely and rebuilt, a condo needs to follow the buildings specific guidelines. To get the most out of your condo renovation, here are five tips to keep in mind.

Lower your Light Fixtures

When renovating a condo, you’ll need to be aware that many contain cement ceilings. While this can be aesthetically pleasing, it makes drilling through it to hang fixtures very difficult. This may mean that you’ll need to have a drop ceiling installed to allow for overhead lighting. A 6 to 12-inch drop ceiling may be required, depending on your lighting fixture of choice.

Always be Flexible

Yes, it’s good to have an idea about the specific elements you want to be integrated into your home renovation. However, it’s also important that you leave room for changes to occur. This could be because a certain element is much more expensive than you realized, or because it simply won’t arrive in time to meet your deadline. Whatever the case may be, you’ll need to be flexible about what your priorities are during the renovation process.

Paint all you Want

Don’t worry about what the next owners will think about whatever paint colours you have in mind. Paint can easily be altered to suit anyone’s aesthetic and it’s a great way to add interest to a room while staying within your budget. If anything, make plans to repaint the condo in a neutral shade when you’re ready to put it on the market.

Choose Your Flooring Wisely

While it might be easy to repaint the walls in the future, changing all the floors in the units is another story. Unless you’re planning on living there for the next several decades, it’s best to choose a neutral flooring option that will appeal to future buyers. Go for something that’s both durable and cozy, like hardwood or carpeting.

Work with an Interior Designer

Working with a professional interior designer can make the entire home renovation process go much smoother. They’ll know the ins and outs of how to get things done as well as understand want can and can’t be done in accordance with the condominium’s guidelines. Your designer will be able to schedule deliveries to arrive at key points throughout the renovation while making sure the project itself is always under control.

Don’t Live in a Renovation Zone

If it’s an option, consider living outside of your condo construction zone for the duration of the renovation process. This could mean having the work done before moving in or staying elsewhere while the remodel is happening. Living in a construction site without a functioning kitchen or bathroom can be exhausting a frustrating. Avoid hating your new home before it’s even finished by staying somewhere else.


At Touchtone Canada, we provide our residential, commercial and new construction clients with beautiful, high-quality flooring options. Our 50,000 square foot facility in Edmonton, Alberta houses a large variety of commercial flooring choices, including laminate, carpet, vinyl, hardwood and more. Whether you’re taking on a small remodelling job or a vast home renovation, our Edmonton store has everything you’ll need. Operational for over 25 years with excellent customer service, visit us online or in store for more information and to start in interior design dreams today!
